Friday, August 19, 2011

Pee-pee and poop...

Cooper went pee-pee and poop on the potty today at school. We have a little potty for him at home and he sits on it from time to time but he has never really used it. Cooper just moved to his new class at school and some of the kids in there are potty trained. He told Miss Kimberly that he needs to pee-pee so she took him and he went! Pee-pee twice and poop once. This might be TMI for some of you that read it, but this is my diary and this is worthy of a post in my opinion. What a big boy we have. He walked around all night and said "I went potty"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Been away...

It has been so hot! We almost beat the record for days over 100 since the summer of '80, but we were shy 2 days. Bring on Fall and Winter. We are doing great, just trucking along. Cooper is getting so big. It is hard to believe in 2 months he will be 2 years old. He moves to his new class at school next week. He is talking so much and putting words together for sentences. AND he can draw a circle...he is SO smart. He amazes me every single day. Since it has been so hot we've stayed home more this summer which has given us some good quality family time.
Cooper's school has someone that comes and does gymnastics so we are going to put him in that this fall, he got do it over the summer and he loved it. I have lots of fun pictures that I need to share and I will soon.
I have gotten addicted to Pinterest and I have actually started a few projects...I really need to finish them. My priority right now is getting started on Cooper's construction themed 2nd birthday party...yes, I am making the invitation again this year. I will have big parties for him as long as he lets me. I only get to do this one time!