Thursday, July 14, 2011

Donkey...Cooper's best friend

At the stove with Cooper (no kids or donkeys were hurt, stove was not on)

Watching Sesame Street with Cooper

Going to our land with Cooper

On a wagon ride with Cooper

Poor donkey

Cooper has a (well there are 2) donkey that he sleeps with and carries with him. It is what helps soothe him. We DON'T leave the house without donkey. Cooper sucks his thumb and he tucks one of the ears of the donkey in the fingers of the hand that he sucks his thumb. It is the cutest thing. My mom bought the donkey for Cooper to make sure the Democrats were represented in his life and Cooper was immediately attached to it. I knew that I needed to get another donkey in the event we lost donkey #1. I found donkey online when he arrived I thought it would be best to go ahead and wash him and change them out. It worked and has for over a year now. They get washed several times a week and they look like they have seen a better day, but Cooper loves them and Johnny and I are thankful for them too. On Saturday morning we were sitting on our bed playing and Cooper picked up donkey and all he grabbed was the arm, there was no donkey attached. Poor donkey lost an arm. It is not faze him one bit, but I was sad. Thank goodness we have 2 donkeys.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our first stop

We decided to take a short trip this week. We made plans to go to Conroe, TX to stay in a cabin for a few days to get away and enjoy some family time. Our plan was to leave on Monday, July 4th. On Sunday we were just laying around having a lazy day when Johnny asked if we wanted to go ahead and leave tonight. So...we did. We fed Cooper dinner and gave him a bath and got things packed and we were on the road by 7pm. We decided to stop in Corsicana, TX for the night. Cooper played with his cars for a little bit in the hotel and by 10pm he was asleep. As I type this my sweet baby is sleeping next to me hugging his donkey. We are going to get up early and eat breakfast, go swimming and then get on the road to our final destination of Conroe, TX. I hope y'all have a happy 4th of July.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The things he says

Since this is my diary I want to take a few minutes to post about the things Cooper is saying and doing right now. He is almost 21 month old...where did time go? It is so hard to believe he is almost 2 years old. He fills my heart with joy like I have never felt before. He completes my life. He lights up the world with his smile, dimples and blue eyes. He is a gift that I am blessed beyond measure to call my child.
He is talking like crazy and doing the funniest things.
What he says:
Momma, Daddy, Pooper (Cooper), Nana, PawPaw, Pappa, MeMe, Ram (Grams), Mawyee (Molly), Yack (Jack), milk, juice, peas (please), use me (excuse me), dog, cow, orse (horse), ball, cookie, Melmo (Elmo), nite-nite, blanket, yappy (happy), school, outside, bike, wim (swim), water, cracker, chicken, cheese, bayball (baseball), roccer (soccer), iaper (diaper), potty, poop, yummy, more, play, up, off, down, shhh, bed, bath, shower, paper, color, book, TV, dance, jump, silly, hair, brush, teeth, yes, no, yeah, towel, hat, head, ear, eye, mouth, foot, tummy, water, and lots of other words.
He is starting to put sentences together. He loves to take a bath and wash himself. He loves to play in the water. He is starting to learn shapes and colors at school. he knows his body parts. I love his school and he has learned so much. He gets to do gymnastics, splash day, Spanish, music day and so many other things. I was not ready to him in daycare when we did, but due to the circumstances we did not have choice. Once again God knew and it was the exact right time to put Cooper in daycare.
He is a gentle little guy, he does not like it when other kids are hurt and he wants everyone to laugh. He has learned to tickle so he tries to tickle everyone. It is so cute. I can see his imagination working all the time. He is curious and has no fear. He is a pretty good eater. The only fruit he will eat is a banana, but he likes the fruit flavors. He loves yogurt, he eats one almost every single day for his dessert. He loves chicken, mash potatoes, french fries, mac and cheese, cheese, crackers, ketchup, bacon, refried beans, rice, bread, cookies, cereal bars, suckers, cheerios, cheezits, ham, turkey, ice cream, milk, juice, water, bananas, and many other foods. He is curious about food and will ask for a bite.
He loves to be outside and play. He loves to slide and he is becoming interested in swinging. He is a happy little guy. He wakes up happy and ready to face the day.
He is wearing a size 5 diaper. He is interested in the potty so we bought him one that he likes to sit on, we aren't full on potty training. He tells us when he has gone poopy. One day we were eating at a restaurant and he announced to the entire place that he pooped. We are working with him on his inside voice. We remind him how much we love his excitement and zest for life but he needs to use his inside voice.
I guess that is enough for now. I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!