Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Cooper loves muppins (muffins) of all kinds...blueberry, strawberry, pumpkin. He loves them so much he has a little dance we call the muppin dance.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Donkey Dilemma

When we discovered Cooper loved his donkey I decided to buy another one so we would have one to swap with when I washed one. That has worked for well over a year now. Last night I needed to wash the donkey he has been carrying around with him so I gave him the clean donkey. He looked at it and felt the ear and threw it on the ground and starting yelling for his donkey. Cooper sucks his thumb and holds the ear of his donkey in his fingers and rubs the ear on his nose and the ear on "good" donkey is rubbed just right...it is a serious dilemma.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2 year check up

Cooper had his 2 year check up today. He is 36" tall (90th percentile) and weighs 28.8 pounds (25th percentile). His doctor says he is tall. He got a shot and the flu mist. All is well with my little 2 year old.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My baby is 2

Where has time gone. Cooper turned 2 yesterday and it is so hard to believe. It seems like yesterday that we found out we were expecting. This has been the MOST amazing 2 years and I can't remember life before him.

My dear Cooper,
You are the answer to so many prayers. Your daddy and I waited so long for you. The wait was so worth it. You light up my life and fill my heart with so much happiness that it hurts. Being your mommy is better than I expected. You amaze me at how much you know, how much you are talking and doing. Picking you up from school is the highlight of my day, you still run into my arms and scream "mommy". You have energy like I have never seen, your laugh fills my heart, and your smile brings happy tears to my eyes. You are loved by so many people, I hope someday you will realize that. I wish for you to have the perfect childhood, I wish for you to always to be happy, I wish for you to keep God close to your heart and lean on him during difficult times. I am blessed beyond words to experience motherhood as your mommy.
I love you to the moon and back~ Mommy