Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter was so much fun this year. Cooper knew what to do on Sunday and he loved it until he got a sucker! It was all over from there. He was such a good little guy yesterday with the family all day. Just a few pics from the day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Cooper had an Easter egg hunt at school yesterday. Nana and I got to go. It was so much fun. He is still not completely sure what to do. We would put eggs, or balls as Cooper calls then in his basket and he would take them out and give them to his friends. Here are a few pictures.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

And the winner is...

A sinus infection. Cooper has a sinus infection. He is now on meds and starting to feel so much better. Cooper sucks his thumb and it's pretty difficult to breath out of your mouth and suck your thumb at the same time. He would get so frustrated. Easter is the weekend and I am super excited. Last year he was too little to hunt eggs, this year will be perfect. On Friday afternoon his school is having an Easter egg hunt and I get to be there to see him. Good stuff!

Here are some recent pictures of Cooper. He is such a silly little guy and wants to do things his way.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This land is your land...

This land is our land. We did it! We purchased 5 acres in Rhome, TX. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before we can even begin to think about getting a home built and moved. We hope to start building in the spring of 2013. We've been looking at land for several months and a few deals fell through. We prayed about it and here we are. We are super excited. It's going to be an adventure, one that Johnny and I are happy to take together. Cooper is going to grow up in an amazing place with lots of animals and "farming" things to do. It's the perfect place for a little guy with lots of energy to grow up. Johnny already had plans for chickens, rabbits, cows, and whatever else he can get me to agree to. I am going to plant a garden and start my list of the things I want my dream house to have. A BIG NICE KITCHEN! I am excited! I will post pictures soon.

Friday, April 1, 2011

What does a cow say?

According to Cooper a cow says Momma! Cooper is so silly. He is talking like crazy. Here is what he is saying...Momma! Dadda! Ball, soccer, dog, Jack, Molly, Go away (usually to Molly and Jack), bath, diaper, nite-nite, bye-bye, stop, thank you, more, milk, Nana, Pappa, and lots of other stuff. He loves to carry his own towel to the bathroom for bath time. He likes to help put clothes from the washer to the dryer and he likes to take clothes out of the dryer. He loves to use a broom, he sweeps and sweeps...I hope he likes that chore in a few more years. He loves sitting on the couch like a big boy. He loves to give the dogs their treats each morning when they go to their bed. He is getting so big and wants to help with every thing. I can't believe he will be 18 months old in a few weeks. It literally seems like yesterday that we found out we were going to be blessed with a baby. Gosh, time goes so fast.