Tuesday, November 22, 2011

seb-in and e-web-in

That is how Cooper says the numbers 7 and 11. So cute. He is close to counting to 20 with a few numbers missed here and there. He is TOTAL cuteness!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I am so blessed

See, I told you...

Coop calls them peep-tarts

and he loves them and always asks for more peep-tarts! Happy Friday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Cooper loves muppins (muffins) of all kinds...blueberry, strawberry, pumpkin. He loves them so much he has a little dance we call the muppin dance.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Donkey Dilemma

When we discovered Cooper loved his donkey I decided to buy another one so we would have one to swap with when I washed one. That has worked for well over a year now. Last night I needed to wash the donkey he has been carrying around with him so I gave him the clean donkey. He looked at it and felt the ear and threw it on the ground and starting yelling for his donkey. Cooper sucks his thumb and holds the ear of his donkey in his fingers and rubs the ear on his nose and the ear on "good" donkey is rubbed just right...it is a serious dilemma.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2 year check up

Cooper had his 2 year check up today. He is 36" tall (90th percentile) and weighs 28.8 pounds (25th percentile). His doctor says he is tall. He got a shot and the flu mist. All is well with my little 2 year old.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My baby is 2

Where has time gone. Cooper turned 2 yesterday and it is so hard to believe. It seems like yesterday that we found out we were expecting. This has been the MOST amazing 2 years and I can't remember life before him.

My dear Cooper,
You are the answer to so many prayers. Your daddy and I waited so long for you. The wait was so worth it. You light up my life and fill my heart with so much happiness that it hurts. Being your mommy is better than I expected. You amaze me at how much you know, how much you are talking and doing. Picking you up from school is the highlight of my day, you still run into my arms and scream "mommy". You have energy like I have never seen, your laugh fills my heart, and your smile brings happy tears to my eyes. You are loved by so many people, I hope someday you will realize that. I wish for you to have the perfect childhood, I wish for you to always to be happy, I wish for you to keep God close to your heart and lean on him during difficult times. I am blessed beyond words to experience motherhood as your mommy.
I love you to the moon and back~ Mommy

Monday, September 26, 2011

1st Dentist Appt

Cooper had his 1st dentist appt on 9/22. He still does not have the teeth on each side of his front two bottom teeth, they took an x-ray and the teeth are there they just have not pushed through. The dentist was super nice, he brushed Cooper's teeth and put fluoride on them. Cooper was not a big fan. The dentist did say he was concerned out Cooper sucking his thumb. I just told the dentist that I was not concerned at this time and that could address it at another visit. He still has 6 more teeth to come...uggg!

My heart is full

We went to OKC this weekend for the Annual Sims family and friend fish fry. I love this get together so much. We eat fish that is caught by my dad, Uncle Chez, Aunt Sue, Johnny, Tami, Jenny and Paul through the year. Lots of good side dishes and yummy desserts. We also have a Horseshoe Tournament. This year Cooper had so much fun with his cousins and friends. They played and ran around outside. Seeing Cooper so happy and enjoying life makes my heart so full. Good stuff...it is good stuff!

Running around in MiMi and Pappa's backyard.

Talking on the phone. That phone has entertained
many children. They love it!

His eyes make me laugh.

He loved to drink from a straw.

Silly boy!

Friday, September 9, 2011

How we spend nice evenings

The weather has been so nice in the evenings this week so we have been outside. Cooper loves to be outside and he has just recently learned how to sit in a big swing without falling out. Here are a few pictures of Cooper enjoying his evenings outside playing.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pee-pee and poop...

Cooper went pee-pee and poop on the potty today at school. We have a little potty for him at home and he sits on it from time to time but he has never really used it. Cooper just moved to his new class at school and some of the kids in there are potty trained. He told Miss Kimberly that he needs to pee-pee so she took him and he went! Pee-pee twice and poop once. This might be TMI for some of you that read it, but this is my diary and this is worthy of a post in my opinion. What a big boy we have. He walked around all night and said "I went potty"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Been away...

It has been so hot! We almost beat the record for days over 100 since the summer of '80, but we were shy 2 days. Bring on Fall and Winter. We are doing great, just trucking along. Cooper is getting so big. It is hard to believe in 2 months he will be 2 years old. He moves to his new class at school next week. He is talking so much and putting words together for sentences. AND he can draw a circle...he is SO smart. He amazes me every single day. Since it has been so hot we've stayed home more this summer which has given us some good quality family time.
Cooper's school has someone that comes and does gymnastics so we are going to put him in that this fall, he got do it over the summer and he loved it. I have lots of fun pictures that I need to share and I will soon.
I have gotten addicted to Pinterest and I have actually started a few projects...I really need to finish them. My priority right now is getting started on Cooper's construction themed 2nd birthday party...yes, I am making the invitation again this year. I will have big parties for him as long as he lets me. I only get to do this one time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Donkey...Cooper's best friend

At the stove with Cooper (no kids or donkeys were hurt, stove was not on)

Watching Sesame Street with Cooper

Going to our land with Cooper

On a wagon ride with Cooper

Poor donkey

Cooper has a (well there are 2) donkey that he sleeps with and carries with him. It is what helps soothe him. We DON'T leave the house without donkey. Cooper sucks his thumb and he tucks one of the ears of the donkey in the fingers of the hand that he sucks his thumb. It is the cutest thing. My mom bought the donkey for Cooper to make sure the Democrats were represented in his life and Cooper was immediately attached to it. I knew that I needed to get another donkey in the event we lost donkey #1. I found donkey online when he arrived I thought it would be best to go ahead and wash him and change them out. It worked and has for over a year now. They get washed several times a week and they look like they have seen a better day, but Cooper loves them and Johnny and I are thankful for them too. On Saturday morning we were sitting on our bed playing and Cooper picked up donkey and all he grabbed was the arm, there was no donkey attached. Poor donkey lost an arm. It is not faze him one bit, but I was sad. Thank goodness we have 2 donkeys.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our first stop

We decided to take a short trip this week. We made plans to go to Conroe, TX to stay in a cabin for a few days to get away and enjoy some family time. Our plan was to leave on Monday, July 4th. On Sunday we were just laying around having a lazy day when Johnny asked if we wanted to go ahead and leave tonight. So...we did. We fed Cooper dinner and gave him a bath and got things packed and we were on the road by 7pm. We decided to stop in Corsicana, TX for the night. Cooper played with his cars for a little bit in the hotel and by 10pm he was asleep. As I type this my sweet baby is sleeping next to me hugging his donkey. We are going to get up early and eat breakfast, go swimming and then get on the road to our final destination of Conroe, TX. I hope y'all have a happy 4th of July.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The things he says

Since this is my diary I want to take a few minutes to post about the things Cooper is saying and doing right now. He is almost 21 month old...where did time go? It is so hard to believe he is almost 2 years old. He fills my heart with joy like I have never felt before. He completes my life. He lights up the world with his smile, dimples and blue eyes. He is a gift that I am blessed beyond measure to call my child.
He is talking like crazy and doing the funniest things.
What he says:
Momma, Daddy, Pooper (Cooper), Nana, PawPaw, Pappa, MeMe, Ram (Grams), Mawyee (Molly), Yack (Jack), milk, juice, peas (please), use me (excuse me), dog, cow, orse (horse), ball, cookie, Melmo (Elmo), nite-nite, blanket, yappy (happy), school, outside, bike, wim (swim), water, cracker, chicken, cheese, bayball (baseball), roccer (soccer), iaper (diaper), potty, poop, yummy, more, play, up, off, down, shhh, bed, bath, shower, paper, color, book, TV, dance, jump, silly, hair, brush, teeth, yes, no, yeah, towel, hat, head, ear, eye, mouth, foot, tummy, water, and lots of other words.
He is starting to put sentences together. He loves to take a bath and wash himself. He loves to play in the water. He is starting to learn shapes and colors at school. he knows his body parts. I love his school and he has learned so much. He gets to do gymnastics, splash day, Spanish, music day and so many other things. I was not ready to him in daycare when we did, but due to the circumstances we did not have choice. Once again God knew and it was the exact right time to put Cooper in daycare.
He is a gentle little guy, he does not like it when other kids are hurt and he wants everyone to laugh. He has learned to tickle so he tries to tickle everyone. It is so cute. I can see his imagination working all the time. He is curious and has no fear. He is a pretty good eater. The only fruit he will eat is a banana, but he likes the fruit flavors. He loves yogurt, he eats one almost every single day for his dessert. He loves chicken, mash potatoes, french fries, mac and cheese, cheese, crackers, ketchup, bacon, refried beans, rice, bread, cookies, cereal bars, suckers, cheerios, cheezits, ham, turkey, ice cream, milk, juice, water, bananas, and many other foods. He is curious about food and will ask for a bite.
He loves to be outside and play. He loves to slide and he is becoming interested in swinging. He is a happy little guy. He wakes up happy and ready to face the day.
He is wearing a size 5 diaper. He is interested in the potty so we bought him one that he likes to sit on, we aren't full on potty training. He tells us when he has gone poopy. One day we were eating at a restaurant and he announced to the entire place that he pooped. We are working with him on his inside voice. We remind him how much we love his excitement and zest for life but he needs to use his inside voice.
I guess that is enough for now. I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A boy and his dog

Lately Cooper is really liking Molly and wants to play with her. Last weekend we took her to Petsmart to get groomed. Cooper held her leash and we all walked in. The lady came out to get Molly and take her back and Cooper had a major meltdown. He was crying and saying "my mawyee" over and over again. It was so sad. Johnny picked Molly up after church and took Cooper with him, we wanted to teach him that it was ok to leave her and that we would go back and pick her up. Johnny said when the pulled in the parking lot Cooper was so happy and screaming "my mawyee" Yesterday, Johnny said that he was in the bathroom and he heard Cooper laughing and screaming and when he went to the livingroom Cooper was throwing a ball and Molly was fetching it and brining it back, most of the time. Johnny said there were a few times Molly held it longer than Cooper was ok with and Cooper had to chase her to get it. So fun...that's good stuff!

Here are a few pictures from June.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Yesterday was a good day. Church in the morning and the rest of my day with my boys. Church was interesting...we had limited power which meant NO AC. It really was not that bad until you stepped in a part of the building that did have power and AC and had to go back to the rooms that were without AC. It reminded a little of the Revivals that we used to go to in the summer under the big tents. I hope all the dads had a great day yesterday! For the dads in my life...
The first man in my life-My daddy. I am a daddy's girl. I can't say enough about him. He has always been a good provider for our family. He set an example that I only hope I can reach. He has always been there for me when times were tough in my life and he has supported me on all my adventures and he was there to pick up the pieces when my adventures left me with a broken heart. He has never given up on me. He is an amazing man, daddy and Pappa to all of his grandchildren.
To the man I married and have the privilege to parent Cooper with- Johnny. God knew exactly what he was doing when He placed Johnny in my life. Gods timing was perfect. Johnny is the opposite of me. He does not need plan, I do. He likes to go with the flow, I need structure. He worries very little, I worry a lot. He is an amazing man and an even more amazing daddy to Cooper. Cooper is so lucky to have him for a daddy. Johnny is patient with us and is already looking for ways to teach Cooper stuff. I sit and watch them together and it makes my heart so happy it could explode. What a lucky girl I am.
To the man I gained when I married Johnny- Mike. Mike is my father-in-law. Mike had accepted me as his own from day 1! Johnny is not Mike's biological child, but you would never know that. He treats Johnny just like his own and is a wonderful PawPaw to his grandchildren. Mike and I have a lot in common. We grew up in quiet homes...with smaller families. Johnny's family is huge and family gatherings can be busy and loud. I am used to it now and would not want it any other way, but I gotta tell you the first few are shockers. Mike was always to my rescue. Mike does not judge and accepts everyone for who they are and what they can offer.
Thank you to all the men in my life. I love you all so much. Happy Father's Day.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I just made strawberry ice cream! It is delicious. I am sure once it's completely frozen it will be even better. It is my Aunt Sue's recipe...OMG! Can't wait to have some later. Johnny got me an ice cream maker for Mother's Day and I LOVE IT! I have used it quite a bit since I got it. I am a pro at vanilla and butterfingers Not so much a pro at chocolate...I guess I need to practice more. Happy Friday Y'all.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Post from my phone

I am posting this from my phone. Hope it works.

And another one

Ear infection...I am frustrated. We took Cooper to Cook Children's Urgent Care again this weekend to get him started on meds for another ear infection. I really think this is the same one he had a few weeks ago that really never went away. A shot later and oral meds and we were on our way. He seems to be feeling better. I made an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor for next month (their first available appt). I hope he does not get another one before then. I am sick too. Sinus and allergy crap. I am sick of not feeling good. I get enough sleep, at least I think I do. Maybe I am not getting good sleep. Who knows. This to shall pass. We are taking a small vacation the week of July 4th to Lake Conroe to stay in one of their cabins for a few days and then we are going to spend a few days at home. Like everyone else the days go by so fast and there just does not seem like enough time in the day to get things done. Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Triple A

One more quick thing...Johnny's cousin Mark Cohoon was promoted to Triple A with The New York Mets. So exciting! Mark is such a good kid.

Monkey see Monkey do!

Cooper is in a stage where he does what you do. I was eating chips or something last week that required me to rub my hands together to get it off my hands so Cooper did the same thing. Johnny and Cooper have a morning routine of getting ready each morning and today Johnny was brushing his teeth and spit in the sink so Cooper had to spit in the sink. I hate that I miss those things. He is starting to laugh when other people laugh, which makes us laugh harder so he laughs more. He is such a silly little guy. He knows what a cow is and what a cow says, he knows what a bear says and what a cat says. He loves animals and thinks all animals love him. We went to the Zoo over Memorial Day and he loved it. He touched a snake and wanted to keep touching it. No fear. The Ft Worth Zoo is amazing and had a great dinosaur display while we were there. Cooper loved all the dinosaurs around the zoo. They were motion sensored so they would move and growl when we moved. It was fun. I will post pictures soon. Cooper is obsessed with balls. He loves to throw them and kick them. I have to admit he does have a good arm. Our life is pretty structured and scheduled for Cooper's sake and ours. We have been so lucky that Cooper has mostly been a good sleeper. He was 3 weeks old when he put him in his crib. That was the best decision we made when he was that little. His crib is his safe place and you can almost see him relax when we put him in there. His schedule got really messed up a few weeks ago. He had an ear infection that we took him to Cook Children's Urgent Care for one weekend so we could started on meds. I knew he did not feel good and his ear had some drainage. This was the beginning of his schedule getting off. The week following he did not sleep well, up at all hours, fighting us to go to bed. Thankfully, we have been successful in getting him back on schedule. Life is less stressful when we have structure. Our child is a child of habit and consistency. I think most kids are that way. He had a different teacher in his class for a few weeks in the mornings and he did not like that one bit. Johnny said drop off was a little difficult when usually Cooper walks in like he owns the place. I guess that is all for now. TTYL!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cooper gives kisses

To himself in the mirror. I did not get to see it, but Johnny did. And when he does it he even makes the kiss sound. So cute! He is becoming quite the little ham. I am afraid he is going to be the class clown. Last night he put his graham cracker on his head and laughed and this morning he put his bowl on top of his head and laughed. He is silly and makes my heart smile SO BIG that sometimes I think it's going to pop out of my chest. We've been super busy lately and it is only going to get busier as summer approaches. We have summer hours that start the Friday before Memorial Day and I can't wait. It does mean that I have to work an hour more each day so I can leave at noon on Friday, but that is ok. I am going to used the half day Friday's for myself. My38th birthday is this Sunday. 38! Not sure what I thought 38 was going to feel like, but I don't feel old...well, ok there are days that I feel really old, but I think I am still hip. Happy 38th birthday to me! We are going to put our house on the market again. Please say a prayer that we can sell it pretty fast. We are not completely sure of our next plans, but until our house sells we can't really make any plans. Happy Thursday!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and drinking from the water hose...

We had a nice weekend. On Saturday morning Cooper had soccer. This was his 2nd time to go and it was a little better. He will get it soon enough. It's tough to keep him interested after the stretching exercises. Oh well, it's fun. On Saturday afternoon we went to Haslet Wild West Fest in town. We got there an hour earlier than we should have. We wanted to see the rodeo, but we were losing Cooper so we came home early. Today we went to church, a quick lunch and the grocery store for dinner stuff. Steaks, twice baked potatoes and fresh corn. We are making dinner right now. We had some struggles getting Cooper down to bed. Not sure the late nap was a good idea. I got an ice cream maker for Mother's day and tonight I made vanilla ice cream. It's in the freezer and I can't wait to eat some.

Today was hot so we got Cooper dressed in his swimming suit and played in the water. Johnny taught him how to drink water from the water hose. Here are some new pictures.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in the world. I am so grateful to have the most wonderful mom in the world. If I am half the mom she was then I will be doing good. I am also blessed with a wonderful stepmom and mother-in-law. Blessed beyond words.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I said I would never...

When I experienced my first spring in Texas and saw people pulled off the side of the highway to take pictures in the bluebonnets I said I would NEVER take bluebonnet pictures and I would especially NEVER pull off to the side of the highway to do them. Well, I caved and had bluebonnet pictures taken this year. NO, not on the side of the highway, but in a beautiful field. I am so happy with how the pictures turned out. I am already starting to plan what we will wear next year. The bluebonnets are only really pretty for a few weeks so timing has to be just right to take them. Enjoy some of our pictures.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter was so much fun this year. Cooper knew what to do on Sunday and he loved it until he got a sucker! It was all over from there. He was such a good little guy yesterday with the family all day. Just a few pics from the day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Cooper had an Easter egg hunt at school yesterday. Nana and I got to go. It was so much fun. He is still not completely sure what to do. We would put eggs, or balls as Cooper calls then in his basket and he would take them out and give them to his friends. Here are a few pictures.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

And the winner is...

A sinus infection. Cooper has a sinus infection. He is now on meds and starting to feel so much better. Cooper sucks his thumb and it's pretty difficult to breath out of your mouth and suck your thumb at the same time. He would get so frustrated. Easter is the weekend and I am super excited. Last year he was too little to hunt eggs, this year will be perfect. On Friday afternoon his school is having an Easter egg hunt and I get to be there to see him. Good stuff!

Here are some recent pictures of Cooper. He is such a silly little guy and wants to do things his way.