Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monkey see Monkey do!

Cooper is in a stage where he does what you do. I was eating chips or something last week that required me to rub my hands together to get it off my hands so Cooper did the same thing. Johnny and Cooper have a morning routine of getting ready each morning and today Johnny was brushing his teeth and spit in the sink so Cooper had to spit in the sink. I hate that I miss those things. He is starting to laugh when other people laugh, which makes us laugh harder so he laughs more. He is such a silly little guy. He knows what a cow is and what a cow says, he knows what a bear says and what a cat says. He loves animals and thinks all animals love him. We went to the Zoo over Memorial Day and he loved it. He touched a snake and wanted to keep touching it. No fear. The Ft Worth Zoo is amazing and had a great dinosaur display while we were there. Cooper loved all the dinosaurs around the zoo. They were motion sensored so they would move and growl when we moved. It was fun. I will post pictures soon. Cooper is obsessed with balls. He loves to throw them and kick them. I have to admit he does have a good arm. Our life is pretty structured and scheduled for Cooper's sake and ours. We have been so lucky that Cooper has mostly been a good sleeper. He was 3 weeks old when he put him in his crib. That was the best decision we made when he was that little. His crib is his safe place and you can almost see him relax when we put him in there. His schedule got really messed up a few weeks ago. He had an ear infection that we took him to Cook Children's Urgent Care for one weekend so we could started on meds. I knew he did not feel good and his ear had some drainage. This was the beginning of his schedule getting off. The week following he did not sleep well, up at all hours, fighting us to go to bed. Thankfully, we have been successful in getting him back on schedule. Life is less stressful when we have structure. Our child is a child of habit and consistency. I think most kids are that way. He had a different teacher in his class for a few weeks in the mornings and he did not like that one bit. Johnny said drop off was a little difficult when usually Cooper walks in like he owns the place. I guess that is all for now. TTYL!

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