Thursday, October 28, 2010

First game of the World Series

As you know Johnny is a HUGE Texas Rangers fan and last night was the first game of the World Series...the Rangers struggled and lost that game. Needless to say it was a little sad in our home after the game.
Today was Rocker day at Cooper's school. He is lucky that his daddy loves to dress up and do costumes. 'Cause Cooper has the ripped jeans that Johnny used sandpaper to make the jeans look worn, he wore his guitar shirt and has a Mohawk. He looks so cute. Johnny took a picture with his phone, but it did not turn out very good. I hope the daycare takes a cute picture of him and sends it to me.
Last night was an OK sleeping night. Cooper woke up at 11:37pm, he was only up for a few mins because I was back in my bed at 11:46pm. So, all was well. I think he might be struggling with a little cold, his eyes have looked a little puffy and they were slightly matted shut when he woke up. We are going to watch it for a bit to make sure it does not turn into anything bad. I hope it's not pink eye.
Cooper's Fall Festival is tomorrow night at his school and I can't wait. He is going to be a duck for Halloween. I am not a big Halloween person. I do not like the scary and gross stuff. I dread the day Cooper asks to be something like that. I just don't like it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A week or so ago we had Cooper's 1 year pictures taken and our annual family picture taken. I got a sneak peek of a few and I LOVE them! I can't wait to get the CD and see them all.
I am not a Dallas Cowboys fan at all, but man they can't get it together. The game was on at our house last night and I caught a few minutes of the game.
Cooper is doing much better at bedtime. I have started just rocking to right before he falls asleep and then I put him in his bed. He usually sits right up and starts to cry. So, I put him back down and tell him night night and that I love him. He will cry for just a bit, I think long enough to know that we are not going to come in and get him. I love to be in his room when he wakes up, he is usually all smiles and he rrrruuuuubbbbbsssss his eyes to wake up. He is so silly.

Monday, October 25, 2010

We're going to the World Series!

Yay for the Rangers! I watched every single minute of the Rangers game on Friday night. It was awesome and we have tickets to game 3 of the World Series! We are going to have so much fun.
I am really looking forward to going.
My Nana fell late Friday night and hit the back of her head. She was at the lake with my aunt and uncle and fell in their trailer. She was taken by ambulance to the Sulphur, OK hospital. Then taken via Careflight to Baptist Hospital in Oklahoma City. We made a very quick trip to OKC on Saturday. The doctors have ruled out a stroke or aneurysm- good news. She just rang her bell really good. She had spells of remembering things and then not remembering things. I guess that is to be expected. Pending a CT scan today she was going to be moved from ICU.
This week at Cooper's school they are having fun stuff each day. Today was crazy sock day, he wore some purple and black socks with a Halloween cat on them. Cute stuff. He slept through the night, I did put him to bed not fully asleep and he cried for just a few minutes. It is getting easier.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

1 more to go and more about us!

It's been a happy time at the Cohoon house, the Texas Rangers need to win one more game to go to the World Series. It will be the first time in Rangers history to go to the World Series and we have tickets to game 3! Cooper has been wearing his Rangers shirts this week to send good mojo!
Cooper did not wake up at all last night...YAY! He did wake up on Monday to play, but we let him cry it out and it took less than 5 minutes and he was back to sleep. Starting next week Cooper will transition to his new class at school...I have mixed emotions about this. I am excited, yet sad that he is going to leave all of this teachers in his current class. I think the transition will be uneventful for him, he gets to move up with his buddy James. The teachers say they are the best of buddies at school and I think that is super cute. His first friend. I wonder if they will grow up together??? Wouldn't it be awesome if they did? In about a month Johnny will be finished with school and prepping for his state board test; I know he is ready to be finished with this degree and so am I. Almost 2 years ago we made the decision for Johnny to go back to school, he decided he wanted to be a nurse. While in one of his Science classes a professor noticed how much he liked cells, tissue and all of that fun stuff and suggested he look at the Histotechnology program at Tarleton State University. He did. He applied. He got accepted. His class is the first class that had more applicants than available spots. He is one of the lucky few that found the exact right field of study, he loves it. Last semester he did his clinical at UT Southwestern in Dallas and was offered a part-time position in one of their labs. As some of you know after Cooper was born we made the decision for Johnny to quit his job and be a part-time stay at home daddy. It worked out really well, he got to spend most of the early days with Cooper and we were not stressed about childcare.. Cooper is now is full-time daycare and he is doing really well. Anyway, he took the job at UT Southwestern and he loves it. It's funny because Johnny is a Ft Worth boy through and through and I have considered Ft Worth my home for many years and we both end up working Dallas. We have been asked several times if we are going to move closer to Dallas and the answer is NO! It has been a struggle working out the logistics of getting Cooper to school and getting him picked up, but so far it has worked. There are many reasons why we won't leave the Haslet area...we just found our church home and we are making great friends and connections, we are very happy with Cooper's school, we are close to family, once Cooper starts school we want him to stay in the same district, the market is not good for selling our home right now and when we do move it is going to be very hard, I am so emotionally attached to our home. It's where we started our family and where we brought Cooper home. So, while it's a VERY long drive/train ride for us to and from work it's worth it when we get to the place we call home each evening. It's been a long time since I have had a place that I called home. When Johnny and I moved into this house his mom said "Johnny has had lots of houses, but this will be the place he calls home." What a compliment. Haslet is Home Sweet Home for us.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fast Weekend

Where did the weekend go? They just go by so fast. We stayed close to home this weekend. We had our family pictures taken on Saturday evening in the Ft. Worth Stockyards and I can't wait to see them. Cooper did great, I think Shannon (the photographer) got some really good pictures of Cooper and us. She should have a sneak peek ready for us in a few days. Cooper and Johnny were up most of the night not feeling well so we stayed home from church on Sunday morning for some much needed rest. Cooper got a Step 2 climbing gym for his birthday that we are going to use inside since winter is coming soon. He LOVES that thing, he has learned to climb up the ladder part all on his own and slides down the slide on his belly head first. He has the most awesome smile on his face when he is doing it. Last night Cooper went to bed at his normal time, but woke up a few hours later and wanted to play. I don't want to get in the habit of letting him so this, so we had to let him cry it out for a little bit last night. I cried and he cried. Well, he really screamed. It was awful, but I know it will get better in a few days. He has always been a good sleeper. He is really starting to get his own personality, he is a strong-willed child that is for sure. Johnny and I both have strong personalities, Cooper doesn't stand a chance to not have one of his own. I hope tonight is not as bad as last night...we'll see.

Friday, October 15, 2010

1 Year Check-up

Today Cooper had his 1 year check-up. He is getting tall, 30 inches and he weighs 22 pounds. He has grown 3 inches in 3 months. He is between the 50-75 percentile for height and between 25-50 percentile in weight. He is growing up and not out... which was not the case in his doctors appointments before. He had to get 3 shots today which he was not happy about. He gave the nurse a very dirty look when she was finished, of course after he stopped crying. I was afraid this would be the appointment I would have to start bribing him, but I didn't. He did great. We are getting his 1 year pictures and our annual family picture taken tomorrow in the Ft. Worth Stockyards. Cooper got boots, Wranglers, a pearl snap shirt and a belt for his birthday so he is going to wear that and we will coordinate with his outfit. I can't wait. I hope they turn out great. We have done good about getting his first year milestone pictures taken and I have promised myself that we would do our annual family pictures around his birthday each year so we can get one of just him too. I am a scrapbooker who has yet to make one scrapbook page for Cooper's first year. I am horrible, I have not had time, but I want to do it, I really, really do. Soon. Hope you all have a great Friday and even better weekend. I will post on how our pictures go tomorrow.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Giving this a try

I am going to give this blogging thing a try. I thought it might be a good way to keep people updated on what is going on with us.

A year ago today Johnny and I brought home the most amazing gift that we have ever received; our baby boy Cooper who was born on October 12th, 2009. It's hard to believe a year has gone by. We had his Petting Zoo birthday party on Sunday and his offical 1st birthday was on Tuesday. The party was a blast, he won't remember it of course, but I will and I am so glad we did it. There were lots of loved ones there and Cooper was a great sport. His birthday started out with Johnny and I singing Happy Birthday to him while he was still trying to wake up, annoying for him I am sure. He had donuts and milk for breakfast. He did not get a very good nap so he was a bit grumpy when he got home from school, but we ordered pizza and he got another chance of putting his hands in his little cake- this time he squished it in is hands and waved his hands all over the place. I will be finding red icing for many years. What an AWESOME year we have had, I have loved every single minute of it. God blessed us with Cooper at the exact right time and he has filled our life with so much joy.